Violeta Parra through her travels in Europe (1955 and 1962)


  • Javier Rodriguez Aedo Núcleo Milenio en Culturas Musicales y Sonoras, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile


This article examines the artistic and political activities carried out by Violeta Parra in Europe between 1954 and 1965. In this sense, her participation in international events, her work of discography diffusion, the reception of her music and artworks, as well as the networks in which these were inserted. This inquiry focuses on possible im- pacts that these experiences of international circulation had on the figure and artistic conception of Violeta Parra. Far from the uniform image that has been cultivated recently, her travels and contact with different artistic scenes helped her to develop strategies of aesthetic appropriation that resulted in a gradual renewal of herself, and with it, of Chilean folklore.


folk music, musical circulation, cultural exchange, Europe, Chile