The letters written in Paris in 1822 by Wanda Morla to Domingo Santa Cruz –then residing in Madrid– are analyzed in terms of the pertinence of the letter both as a document and a statement of love. The “fortuitous encounter” in Paris of these two youngsters is studied in depth, along with the process of selfconsciousness of Wanda Morla as a person different from the feminine stereotype then current among the Chilean elite. Besides her experience of the cultural modernity in France between 1921 and 1922, in particular as pertains to music, is discussed.
Letter, chance, predestination, feminine selfconsciousness, modernity, French musical field
Lizama A., P. (2017). Wanda Morla in Paris during the Twenties: an Experience of Modernity. Revista Musical Chilena, 70(226), pp. 74 – 84. Retrieved from