Medicine became a teaching activity with its own methodology since the Hippocratic School. As activity, it relatesto those which seek to produce something, in this case the health of patients, considering this as a particular good for them.The physician, then -as all producer- must transfer an existing intervention first in his/her mind to a subject lacking healthor in risk of losing it. This study tries to reflect on how the physician achieves to imagine in his/her reasoning an action that,performed in a particular patient, it will constitute in him/her a healing effect. The fundamental thesis in this reflection isthat, besides using useful criteria considering a universal human being, he/she must create an intervention designed to suita specific human being, who has a full personal complexity.
ethics, medical ethics, philosophy of medicine, humanities
Author Biography
Mauricio Besio R., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Médico Cirujano. Magíster en Filosofía. Profesor Asociado Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología, Centro de Bioética, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Besio R., M. (2010). Medical Act: An Original Creation? Reflections on its esence, origin and risks of exposure. Acta Bioethica, 16(1). Retrieved from